Anti-Aging Developments
Anti-Aging Developments - April 2011 > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - April 2011
Are Your Cravings Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

Anti-Aging Developments, April 28, 2011 -- Are you constantly needing sweet snacks throughout the day? Snacking on sugar containing snacks means filling your body with empty calories and also makes you want to eat more and more, according to Dr. Marilyn Glenville. In her latest newsletter she suggests replacing refined foods and sugar with satisfying whole foods as a way to beat the problem. Becoming aware of how much sugar you are consuming during the day and then start decreasing gradually, she advises. A good start is cutting down sugar in tea and coffee and eventually you will need none at all. She also recommends including dried fruits and sweet vegetables in your meals, such as carrots, parsnips, beets, sweet potatoes or winter squash. This will satisfy your sweet tooth, she says, and you won't find yourself craving sweets in between mealtimes.
(Source: Dr. Marilyn Glenville's Newsletter)
Eat Earlier to Lose Weight
Anti-Aging Developments, April 28, 2011 -- Dr. Marilyn Glenville's latest newsletter advises people wanting to lose weight to eat early. The results of a study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who are overweight eat most of their calories later in the day, than those with normal weight. So, if you want to lose weight, don't eat for at least two hours before you go to bed. However, fasting for too long before bedtime is setting yourself up for failure, so don't try and starve yourself for much longer than that.
Dr. Glenville suggests eating a dinner of lean protein and fibrous carbohydrates (such as a mixture of cooked and raw vegetables) two hours before going to bed. This will both keep you satisfied and give you time to digest before sleeping.She says that boredom drives many people to think of food and suggests playing games with your children or talking to your spouse to keep your mind off food between dinner and bedtime.
Get a Smaller Waist with This 30-Second Habit
Anti-Aging Developments, April 26, 2011 -- According to the RealAge website, breathing deeply for 30 seconds can help slim your waist, in addition to helping you to calm down and manage a stressful situation. Don't plonk yourself in front of the TV to wind down; A healthier way to let go stress is to breathe deeply, the site advises.
A recent study on job stress and weight gain shows that workers who are super stressed tended to have bigger bellies than their peers who were more at ease.
Pound-Packing Stress Relief? Researchers believe it is the way people deal with stress that makes them fat. Too tired to exercise, they indulge in passive entertainment and eat fattening comfort foods instead. Chronic stress also increases the amounts of cortisol in the body and this hormone encourages fat to be stored around the belly and increases craving
The good news, says RealAge, is that you can get rid of the stress with 30 seconds of deep breathing.
To do this lie flat on the floor with one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply and slowly to the count of five. Your chest will widen and rise gently as the lungs fill with air. Exhale slowly to a count of seven, sucking your belly button toward your spine as you blow out carbon dioxide.
Take 10 deep breaths morning and night, and any time you feel motivated to do so or at times of stress for a more balanced, less stressful you.
Dental Hygiene and Arteriosclerosis (Atherosclerosis)
Anti-Aging Developments, April 2011 -- According to Dr. Brownstein writing in Newmax e-magazine, there is a strong link between periodontal disease and arteriosclerosis. This link has been well documented for more than 100 years and was addressed in an article in the journal "Atherosclerosis" (pp 263 -267 of issue 213) that examined 35 people and the results of their cardiovascular and dental screenings. The conclusions of this study confirmed the link – those subjects with periodontal problems had 40 percent more plaque in their carotid arteries. According to Dr. Brownstein, there is no doubt that the health of the mouth has implications on the whole body and it is impossible to achieve optimal health if one does not look after one’s teeth and gums.
People with periodontal problem invariably have other health issues. Dr. Brownstein recommends daily brushing and flossing and more attention to diet. A poor diet is the number one problem for health, he says, recommending supplements be used to maintain and heal diseased gums, which should include “vitamins C and E, as well as coenzyme Q10, at a dose of 100 to 300 mg/day”.For more information on dental hygiene, please visit: Newsmax newsletter April 2011)
Stay Active, Vital & Energized
Anti-Aging Developments, April 2011 -- Stay Active, Vital & Energized
Work hard, play hard and keep doing what you love well into your 80s, 90s or 100s.
That’s not wishful thinking – it’s a medical reality. With new breakthrough technology, you can stay active and keep moving like a 50-year-old right through the age of 100.
You’ll find the keys to this rejuvenation in Reset Your Biological Clock, the revolutionary new book from renowned integrative physician and natural health expert Dr. Al Sears, M.D.
He reveals an exciting breakthrough that can enable you to turn on your anti-aging genes and reduce the effects of 10 to 20 years of aging. Find out how you can look 30% younger … reverse your genetic clock and recreate the body you had in your 20s …
If you want to stay independent and do more than you ever thought you could, click here to get started…Last year, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for something you probably haven’t heard about. Researchers discovered the primary cause of human aging – the long-sought-after “genetic clock” – and how to halt aging in its tracks.
Dr. Al Sears has been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning.
You can now use this Nobel Prize to knock years off your age and live healthier and longer than ever before. Read below to discover how to turn back your genetic clock, reverse the aging process, overcome fatigue and look years younger...
Tomatoes Offer Protection Against heart problems, brittle bones cancer and UV radiation

Anti-Aging Developments, April 8, 2011 -- According to RealAge website, tomatoes do more for our bodies than we have previously realized. Apart from their much-publicized heart-supportive powers, new research shows they offer a fair amount of protection against brittle bones, cancer, and even ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Tomatoes are in Vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and potassium.
Tomato paste is recommended to counteract the effects of UV light during periods of prolonged exposure to the sun due to the high lycopene content of tomatoes. This nutrient also offers cancer protection and may slow the growth of some prostate cancer.
Canned tomatoes are said to be as good as, if not better, than fresh tomatoes, so there is no excuse not to eat this health food all year round. However, there is nothing like fresh tomatoes in the height of summer. The Italians got this right – eat lots of tomatoes in the form of pizza, pasta sauce and fresh uncooked tomatoes in salads. Make your own pasta sauce using fresh ingredients, including tomatoes and fresh basil. Why not replace jam or honey with smashed tomatoes as a topping for your toasted baguette, like the Spanish do at breakfast time. Add some olive oil to your “tostada con tomate” and you will get even more lycopene. Visit our recipe data-base for some great ideas.
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