Anti-aging Discoveries

Anti-aging and Longevity Research > Anti-aging Discoveries

by Mary Treacy

News from July 2013

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

B Vitamins Shown to Slow Cognitive Decline in Initial Trials

Research has shown that high doses of B Vitamins may dramatically slow cognitive decline in elderly patients. Further trials are necessary, but initial results show dramatic future potential. More

Revolutionary DNA Test Discovered for PND

A new DNA Test has recently been developed which may revolutionize the treatment and prevention of Post-natal depression, even before a child is born in mothers with a genetic tendency to the disease. The test is a result of extensive genetic research in the United Kingdom at University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) and Warwick Medical School. More

News from June 2013

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

New Guidelines Mean At-Risk Women to Receive Anti-Breast-Cancer Drug

New Guidelines issued by the UK Health Service watchdog will mean that at-risk women in the United Kingdom will be offered anti-cancer drugs if they have a family history of breast cancer. The move has been described as a "game-changer" by many health experts, but some have criticized the development. More

Red Wine Helps Achieve a Healthy Gut

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking moderate amounts of dry red wine daily can lead to a healthier gut, healthy blood pressure and help regulate blood sugar. More

Conference to Promote Egality in Outcomes

A conference with the theme Working together to improve outcomes will be held on 2nd October 2013, The Barbican, London. The organizers of this event believe that following recent public health reforms local authorities must play a leading role in improving the health of their communities More

News from May 2013

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Choosing the right sunglasses to protect your eyes There is no need to invest in designer glasses, but make sure that your glasses labeled according to guidelines for UV protection established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or another responsible authority. More

A Sweet Treat to Counteract Dementia Enjoying a nightly cup of warm cocoa or indulging your craving for dark rich chocolate could actually protect your mind from the devastation of Alzheimer’s.A diet rich in Flavonoids, which have an antioxidants effect in the body, can lower the risk of vascular disease and dementia. More

News from November 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Magnesium can reduce the risk of stroke

Magnesium can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke and is recommended as a supplement for people who have had a stroke or have family members who have had one. More

Taking Zinc Could Help You Shake That Cold

Taking zinc could decrease the length of a common cold by up to 42%. More

Conference to Raise Awareness About Diabetes

C A conference on Diabetes is being organized in the UK next April to raise awareness about diabetes. More

Lower Cholesterol with Garlic Supplements

Garlic supplements can decrease cholesterol according to recent research.

New Painless Breast Cancer Detection Technology

Thermography is a heat-imaging screening technique that is used to detect breast tumors using a high resolution camera that converts the reading of the temperature in the breast into an infrared heat image that can be viewed from a computer. More

Killing cancer cells with Cryogenics

In Israel a new procedure has been developed to kill cancer tumors in their early stages. The company that is marketing the new procedure, which is called “IceSense3”, is IceCure Medical. More

Elastography Could Replace Biopsies in Cancer Diagnosis

A new technology called Elastography is being used by ultrasound technicians to spot malignant tumors. This new method is very accurate meaning that there will be less false positives and therefore unnecessary biopsies. More

Ultrasound imaging system for dense breast tissue approved in US

In September, the FDA officially approved use of ABUS — the Automated Breast Ultrasound System - for women with dense breast tissue who are more likely to develop breast cancer and less likely to have this detected early with conventional methods. More


World COPD Day was celebrated this year on 14th November. The day is the focus of a global effort to expand understanding of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and advocate for better care for patients. More

Calcium Intake Linked to Cancer Protection

Including more calcium in your diet or taking calcium supplements might reduce the risk of digestive cancers, and can protect from other cancers in women. More

Sun-bed Use and Skin Cancers

New research in the field links sun-bed use with other types of skin cancers. More

News from October 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Is Poor Oral Hygiene Linked to Cancer?

A recent report in the British Medical Journal about a Finnish Study has found a link between poor oral hygiene and cancer risks. More

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

A recent newsletter from Dr. Marilyn Glenville suggests using coconut oil to help control weight, stating that it can also offer protection against liver-disease and cancer. More

News from September 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Try Vitamin C to Regulate Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research on vitamin C indicates that this nutrient may help keep blood pressure low - at levels between 90/60 to 120/90. More

Reduce Parkinson's Risk

The Fukuoka Kinki Parkinson’s Disease Study Group, a group of neurologists from Japan, has found that a diet rich in vitamin B significantly reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. More

Conference about Later Life Care, London, January 2013

A Conference in the Barbican Centre, London will discuss how later life services systems must evolve to meet the needs of an ever increasing elderly population. More

News from August 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Make sure to rince non-organic food well
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recommends people to thoroughly wash any non organic fruit or vegetables to was off pesticides and other chemicals using in their growing. Researchers found residues of these chemicals in 68 per cent of the fruits and vegetables they tested, including some which have been banned. More

News from July 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Conference on Adapting to Changes in the UK Public Health System
May is National Osteoporosis Prevention Month in the USA. A report in the Independent, Minnesota's daily newspaper, gives some tips and advice to help readers with preventing the disease which it says affects an estimated 10 million Americans.More

Jul 09, 2012 - Staying Power Key to Weight Loss
The Real Age website published new information on dieting which ultimately says that it doesn’t matter what diet you are on, it is your attitude and staying power that mean you will lose weight and keep it off. The main thing is sticking to your diet. More

News from June 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

National Osteoporosis Prevention Month (USA)
May is National Osteoporosis Prevention Month in the USA. A report in the Independent, Minnesota's daily newspaper, gives some tips and advice to help readers with preventing the disease which it says affects an estimated 10 million Americans.More

News from May 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

National Osteoporosis Prevention Month (USA)
May is National Osteoporosis Prevention Month in the USA. A report in the Independent, Minnesota's daily newspaper, gives some tips and advice to help readers with preventing the disease which it says affects an estimated 10 million Americans.More

News from April 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Guidelines on Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis published
A framework for the development of national assessment and treatment of drugs used to treat obstructive pulmonary disease, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflamatory illnesses has recently been published in the USA. This is because a group of drugs called Oral glucocorticoids can provoke rapid bone loss, leading to fragility fractures. More

Hope for Future Osteoporosis Sufferers
A new technique which stimulates the bodies own stem cells to promote new bone growth has recently been tested successfully on mice. More

News from March 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Omega 3 Fatty Acids May Protect Sight
A recent study shows that women who eat oily fish weekly are less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (AMD). More

More Evidence Links Sleep Apnea to Stroke
Two additional and compelling studies linking sleep apnea to strokes were presented at the American Stroke Associations International Conference in February. More

Breakthrough in Spine Disease Research
Researchers at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome have come a step closer to finding a cure for back problems which are one of the leading causes of disability and lost working hours in adults. More

Sugar Blamed for Rise in Chronic Disease
IScientists from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)started a controversy when they published a paper on February 29 blaming the epidemic-like increase of obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes worldwide, on the increase in sugar consumption. More

Aspirin and Sight Loss?
An observational study out at the end of last year shows that participants taking a baby aspirin once a day to protect their hearts were twice as likely to have wet age related wet macular degeneration than those in the study who didn't. More

News from February 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

New Pages/Page Updates

Keeping Intestines Healthy and Avoiding Constipation
How Healthy Intestines Maintain Your Zest for Life

What is cholesterol and what are its effects on health?
An overview of cholesterol More

Enlarged Prostate
Enlarged prostate - why - and how to cure it

Sugar Effects - Impact of Sugar on Your Health
Sugar effects - How sugar can have a negative effect on your health and provoke a multitude of diseases including auto-immune conditions and chronic degenerative disease. More

Alzheimers Eye Test
Alzheimers Eye Test - New Alzheimers test can detect the disease years before symptoms start. More

News from January 2012

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

New Pages/Page Updates

Thyroid Disease Symptoms
The personal experience of one patient - A look at thyroid disease symptoms and risk factors, from the personal experience of one of our author’s, Mary Sofia.

Age-well forums - share your viewsShare Your Opinions and offer/ask for advice on a variety of anti-aging subjects including weight loss, losing belly fat, share beauty secrets and healthy recipes! More

DASH Food Pyramid - Dietary Approaches to Hypertension
DASH Food Pyramid - A tool for people who wish to follow the DASH diet, which helps to lower blood pressure, in addition to many other health benefits. More

Facial Exercise to Make You Look Younger
Facial Exercise to tone and firm facial muscles. More

Look Well Index
This page links to various sources on how to look well as you age, learn how to look younger for longer and feel on top of the world. Looking beautiful is good for the morale - take care of yourself. More

The DASH diet
Who else wants to learn about the DASH Diet, your passport to Ultimate Health, a healthy cardio-vascular system and low blood pressure, and long-term weight Loss? More

News from November 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Scientist Find Link between Colon Cancer and Exercise
A new study has found that regular exercise over time can reduce the risk of colon cancer-related death. More

Newly-discovered Gene May be linked to Osteoporosis
Scientists in Montreal have discovered a gene which might predispose certain people to developing Osteoporosis. More

Coriander May Help in the Fight Against Superbugs
The oil of the well-known aromatic plant, coriander, may be able to kill most antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making super-bugs a thing of the past as well as preventing food-poisoning. More

This Month's Health Tip From Dr. Marilyn Glenville
It is official - housework is bad for your health, that is, if you are using commercially manufactured cleaning products which include harsh chemicals. More

News from October 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

New Treatment Cures Some Forms of Snoring in Minutes
The Pillar Procedure is a relatively new treatment that can stop snoring and can also be used to help patients suffering from some types of obstructive sleep apneoa. It is a non-invasive surgical procedure that can be performed in a doctor’s office, under local anesthesia. More

New Invention Can Diagnose Strokes in Minutes
A new device that can detect what type of stroke a patient is having within five minutes is currently being tested. The speed of this device is expected to improve the outcome of such events and save lives. More

Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery
Natural orifice surgery promises less pain, no external scarring and an early recovery. Surgeons use a direct route through the mouth, anus, bladder, urethra and vagina to operate on or remove diseased organs. More widely practiced internationally it is still undergoing clinical trials in the US. More

Health benefits of broccoli require the whole food, not supplements
Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables should be eaten raw and lightly cooked to get their full anti-cancer properties. Supplements can not yet deliver the same nutients and do not contain the necessary enzym which activates the anti-cancer properties found in these vegetables. More

Relax and Sleep Help Weight Loss
Sleeping and relaxing rejuvenate the body and can help with weight loss according to the RealAge website newsletter. More

Should You Pay Attention to Expiration Dates?
Learn about decoding expiration jargon on food labels to learn when you should throw out your perishable foodstuffs. More

World Diabetes Day 14 November 2011
World diabetes day will be celebrated this year on 14th November. It aims to promotes awareness about diabetes and its complications The World Health Organization estimates that more than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes and thenumber is likely to more than double by 2030. More

World Day for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
World COPD Day will be celebrated on 15th November. This is a global effort to expand understanding of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and advocate for better care for patients. More

Tips from Dr. Marilyn Glenville
Go Green as you clean - 7 cleaning tips which don't polute the environment. More

Healthy Eating on a Budget - 5 tips for eating well without breaking the bank. More

News from September 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Yellow Eyelid Marks Might Indicate Heart Attack Risk
Researchers in Denmark have linked or yellow markings on the eyelid to an elevated risk of developing heart disease or suffering a heart attack More

Links Between Obesity, Diabetes 2 and Dementia
Keeping your weight under control can ward off diabetes 2 and ultimately lower your chances of developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, according to a report in the Daily Mail, a UK tabloid. More

How Lifestyle Changes Can Break the Link Between Diabetes and Dementia
Over half the cases of Alzheimer’s may be prevented by changes in lifestyle. Seven tips which might save your health and your mind. More

Health tips From Dr. Marilyn Glenville
-- beating depression might save your bones -- vitamins can help heal your sore gums – an apple a day does keep the doctor away -- tomatoes might help protect against sun damage. More

News from August 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Arthritic Sufferers Need to Get More Active
A report in the New York Times says that many arthritis suffers are “couch potatos” and says that exercise can help. More

Alzheimers Numbers Expected to Rise
The New York Times are also expressing concern about the expected rise in cases of Alzheimer’s Disease. . More

Smoking Increases Heart Attacks in Women
A study in The Lancet suggests smoking in women increases heart attack risk. More

Depression Increases Stroke Risk
A report in the USA indicates that people with depression may be more susceptible to strokes. More

Build Muscle to Defuse the Diabetes time-bomb
Undiagnosed diabetes might be a ticking time bomb for future generations, according to numerous reports on TV and in the written media recently. More

News from July 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Chewing More Could Promote Weight Loss
A new report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that chewing your food more helps you lose weight by limiting your calorie intake. More

Vitamin K2 for Healthy Bones
Dr. Sears explains why taking calcium on its own won't help strengthen your bones and tells you how to make sure you are getting the nutrients which allow the calcium to work. Includes extra tips on how to avoid osteoporosis. More

Diet for an Overactive Thyroid
Dr. Marilyn Glenville, specialist in women's health issues and author of "Fat Around the Middle", gives some diet advice for those suffering from an overactive thyroid. More

News from June 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Strawberries a Super Fruit for Fighting Cancer A recent study of a small number of people who were fed a concentrate powder made from strawberries indicates that the fruit contains powerful cancer-fighting properties. More

The Top 12 Foods You Should Buy Organic The Eating Well Website’s most recent e-news reports on the top 12 contaminated fruit and veg, according to the Government Environment Working Group More

Tasty Beans Help Fight the Bulge The RealAge Newsletter encourages summer eating to be based around beans rather than more calorific proteins as they will lose more weight with beans rather than other protein sources, because of their low fat content and high fiber content. More

Lose weight with these Super Liquids There are three liquids that can help keep your appetite under control if you use them on a daily basis, according to the RealAge Website, and they are water, skim milk and olive oil. More

Yoga can lighten your mood Yoga is great for lifting your mood because, in addition to loosening joints and toning muscles, it also boosts brain levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that helps take the edge off anxiety and eliminate bad moods More

Beet Juice for Brain, Circulation and Blood Pressure Get more blood flowing to your brain by drinking beet juice each morning. More

Tumeric Appears to Prevent Parkinsons and other Age-related Conditions A recent lab study showed that turmeric helps protect the brain against Parkinson's damage, so Indian and Thai curries containing the spice are good news for healthy aging. More

News from May 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Massaging the Ears Can Help Internal ProblemsAuriculotherapy a form of an ancient Chinese healing method, also called ear acupuncture. has been used for centuries to treats conditions like chronic pain and addictions, whether they be alcohol, nicotine or other drugs. More

Could Saffron be the New Prozac? Recent studies at Tehran University of Medical Sciences show promising results treating depression with saffron, a well-known spice prized for the distinct yellow hue it gives to food. Saffron appears to be as efficient as Prozac with none of the unpleasant side effects. More

News from April 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Cravings Can Sabotage Your Diet Replace refined foods and sugar with satisfying whole foods as a way to beat weight problems. Read Dr. Marilyn Glenville’s advice for dealing with sugar cravings. More

Eat Earlier to Lose Weight A recent study has found that people who are overweight eat most of their calories later in the day, than those with normal weight. So, if you want to lose weight, don't eat for at least two hours before you go to bed. More

Get a Smaller Waist with This 30-Second Habit According to the RealAge website, breathing deeply for 30 seconds can help slim your waist, in addition to helping you to calm down and weather a stressful situation..More

Dental Hygiene and Arteriosclerosis Read about the link between periodontal disease and arteriosclerosis and how improving your diet and brushing and flossing daily, and using recommended health supplements can maintain and heal diseased gums. More

Stay Active, Vital & Energized Work hard, play hard and keep doing what you love well into your 80s, 90s or 100s. Discover how to turn back your genetic clock, reverse the aging process, overcome fatigue and look years younger. More

This Gift from Nature can Protect Your Health Tomatoes Can Protect You From a Host of Serious Conditions More

News from March 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

New Study on Vitamins A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that multivitamins can keep you younger, longer. The study found that those who took a multivitamin daily had 5.1 percent longer telomeres than non-users. More

Onions and Garlic Combat Osteoarthritis A report by RealAge suggests adding garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, scallions, and chives to garnish food in order to reduce osteoarthritis. More

Are Your Lungs Dying? If you do nothing about it the cells in your lungs are dying off faster than you replace them. By the time you’re fifty, 40% of your lung capacity will be gone! This will rob you of your energy and strength and make you an easy target for chronic disease.More

Dark Chocolate for a Healthy Heart Why drinking cocoa can help lower your chances of getting heart disease nine-fold. More

Vitamin B for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Vitamins B6 and B12 have been shown to alleviate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and can be an alternative to surgery. More

Natural Methods of Removing Blood Clots This is a copy of some advice posted on the web recently about natural methods of getting rid of getting rid of potentially-serious blood clots in the legs, which includes using fish oil and vitamin E. More

Get the Body You Want in Twelve Minutes a Day If you’re serious about losing weight, building muscle, and creating a strong healthy body, our friend Dr. Al Sears has a solution for you that has already worked for thousands. More

Food is the best medicine Dr. Rupert Rowen advises that we eat foods such cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts, in addition to broccoli on a daily basis to protect ourselves from cancer. More

Eat Fish for Longevity Copy the eating habits of the Inuits of Alaska and eat more fish to protect yourself from heart disease. Here’s why More

Olive Oil and Heart Disease Olive oil is the reason for low rates of heart disease and cancer on the Greek island of Crete. Now we know why. MoreMore

Age-defying powers of yogurt While the age-defying powers of yogurt never have been proven directly, yogurt is good for bone health and helps maintain a healthy gut and intestines. More

Nuts for a Longer Life Eating nuts regularly could increase your life. More

Heartening News for Wine Lovers New studies confirm that drinking alcohol in moderation protects against heart disease, diabetes and age-related memory loss. More

The Anti-aging Properties of Blueberries Comfort Foods that Balance Your Blood Sugar More

Comfort Foods that Balance Your Blood Sugar Eating better-for-your-blood-sugar, doesn't mean saying adios to comfort foods, according to Real Age.You just need to be discriminative in choosing the right type of comfort food to avoid blood sugar swings. More

Curcumin Hybrid HelpsStroke Patients Western Medicine is finally waking up to curcumin’s potential to fight inflammation, reverse free radical damage, prevent Alzheimer’s disease and even help to repair stroke damage. More

News from February 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Why you might want to Cut Back on Wheat -- Wheat is high in Amylopectin, the most common form of starch, which is faster releasing and does not have the same positive effect on insulin as beans and oats. It is also high in gluton which is sticky, hard to digest and encourages gas-producing bacteria. More

Age discrimination in the workplace -- Age discrimination and bullying in the workplace is a reality in many countries in these difficult economic times and people approaching retirement or just costing the company more in social costs are often pressured to leave. More

Does Osteopenia Require Treatment? -- Bone density loss is a natural part of aging and not everyone who suffers from Osteopenia requires treatment, according to the Health Sciences Institute (US) More

Bee Pollen for a Healthy Prostate -- Bee Pollen is one natural remedy to Maintain a Healthy Urine Flow and Healthy Prostate. More

Switch to Thai Rice to Avoid Arsenic Poisoning-- A third of baby rice tested by the Food Standards Agency contains high levels of arsenic, one of the worst cancer causing chemicals Anti-Aging Developments, Ten percent of the rice sold in UK supermarkets contains ten times the levels of arsenic allowed in China. More

Prescription Drugs Can be Robbing your Body -- Prescription drugs can rob your body of folic acid, calcium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. More

Are Corticosteroid Injections for Tendonitis working? --Local Injections Of Corticosteroids For Treatment Of Tendonitis may not be a good choice in patients with chronic or recurrent tendinitis.More

Hand Splints May Ease Degenerative Arthritis -- Hand splints may ease degenerative arthritis pain up to 50%, according to a recent study in Arthritis Care and Research. More

Lower Back Pain May Be Inherited-- While lower back pain can be inherited, it is more often caused by overuse and strain on the muscles, and injury to the muscles, ligaments, and discs that support the spine. More

TNF Inhibitors Found to Reduce Diabetes Risk -- The use of drugs that are used to treat inflammatory forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis have recently been associated with a 60% reduction in the risk of developing diabetes. More contracted diabetes.More

Fortified Cheese May Reduce Bone Loss In Elderly Women -- Fortified cheese as good as supplements for vitamin D according to a recent study . The cheese is made with semi-skimmed milk, fortified with vitamin D3 and milk calcium. More

Age at onset of puberty predicts adult osteoporosis risk -- Anti-Aging Developments, February 16, 2011 -- A team of researchers determined that the onset of puberty is the primary influence on adult bone mineral density.More

Power Foods for Weight Loss -- Salmon, cauliflower, cabbage, flax seeds, scallops and walnuts are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids and good for weight loss. More

New Test May Help Detect Vitamin D Deficiency Earlier-- Anti-Aging Developments, February 15, 2011 -- A new diagnostic vitamin D assay to be released in Europe may help to detect early deficiency, and could help to provide more accurate data for dieticians and researchers. More

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar -- Apple Cider Vinegar has long been known to have enormous value for your health. Vinegar is made by the fermentation of fruit which contains a host of beneficial vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and other trace minerals, as well as pectin. More

News from January 2011

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Curcumin Relieves Pain of Osteoarthritis -- Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of work disability among older men, and the condition is often associated with a variety of long-term health problems, according to the February 2 version of Longevity Magazine. While pharmaceutical solutions – most notably non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – help to alleviate the pain encountered in osteoarthritis, these options are linked to gastrointestinal toxicity, increased blood pressure, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease More

Salad Could Ward Off Osteoarthritis -- Starting each meal with a small salad is recommended to keep your hands and knees free of osteoarthritis. More

This Crunchy Breakfast Food Can Make You Happy -- Eating cereal makes you fuller, happier, and more relaxed, according to a recent study and is good for self esteem and perceptions about body image.More

Aspirin for Colon Cancer -- A daily lose dose aspirin in elderly adults lowers the risk of colon cancer as well as helping to prevent strokes and heart attacks: However, aspirin is not recommended for everyone More

Eliminate this Sweet Poison From Your Life -- Be vigilant if you want to get rid that weight around the middle you need to cut out all sugars completely. Here are some pitfalls to avoid: More

Your Mouth Might be Trying to Tell You Something -- The Health of your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues are an indication of your general health. Here are some of the signs to look for: More

Brushing Your Teeth Can Save Your Life --Poor Oral Health is Linked to Heart Disease The link between gum disease and heart disease may not be obvious, but chronic inflammation is a hallmark of both conditions and inflammation in your body plays a major role in the build-up of plaque in your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. More

News - December 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Magnesium may to ward off Diabetes 2ees -- The Health Sciences Institute reports on magnesium deficiency and what provokes it and suggests that it building up your magnesium levels may help prevent and treat Diabetes 2. More

Exercise to Beat Cancer-- The Staying physically active could help cut your chances of developing cancer, according to scientists from the National Cancer Centre in Japan. They looked at 80,000 men and women aged between 45 and 77 and found the most active women had a 16 per cent lower risk of developing cancer than the least active, while the most active men had a 13 per cent lower risk. So, wrap up warm this Christmas and work off some of those extra calories.More

Eat to Eliminate Belly Fat -- If you want to eliminate your belly fat, you have to do something counter-intuitive: According to a report by Real Age website, which states research shows that being too fanatical about dieting creates the right breeding ground for actually adding belly fat.More

Ovarian Cancer Symptom -- If you suffer from General abdominal or pelvic discomfort or pain Constant diarrhoea and or constipation, urinary frequency or urgency, loss of appetite unexplained weight loss or gain, pain during intercourse, irregular periods or bleeding from the vagina, and especially if you have more than one of these conditions, don’t delay in seeking medical help. Thses can be signs of ovarian cancer and it could save your life. More

Denying Yourself Treats Could Sabotage Your Diet -- Dreaming of a hazelnut cookie? According to the RealAge website, you should probably go ahead and indulge. Research shows that trying to stifle a craving just makes it grow bigger, to the point where you can no longer resist,More

Grapes Can Help Your Creaky Knees -- Grapes contain resveratrol, a compound which may help reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, writes Joseph Maroon, MD, in his book The Longevity Factor.More

News - November 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Want to Start Meditating -- If you are new to meditation but want to learn how, this exercise is a great way to get started. More

Stay Focused to Find Happiness -- How often your mind wanders is a predictor of how happy you are -- new research finds that the more often you take yourself out of the present moment, the less happy you are.So U.S. News & World Report suggests the following five ways to keep yourself in the moment and ultimately be happier: More

Coffee Could Prevent Brain Tumors -- A recent study shows that drinking at least half a cup of tea or coffee a day may lower the risks of developing a glioma -- an aggressive, hard-to-treat, and dangerous type of brain tumor. So if you can't start the day without your favorite brew, you are on the right track! In fact, regularly drinking either beverage could cut the risks of developing a glioma by up to 34 percent. More

It is unfortunate but age discrimination and bullying in the workplace is a reality in many countries in the current economic situation and keeping fit and active as you age and finding ways to manage your stress and avoid depression are necessary if you are to avoid being targeted.

News - October 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Green Tea Keeps Lungs Young -- A review of 22 studies on tea confirms that green tea may help protect lungs against cancer better than black tea It also burns belly fat, and may protect your eyes as well as cheering you up. More

Walnuts may help to ward off arteriosclerosis -- A fistful of this toasted walnuts is one of the best ways to improve artery health. A review of 13 different studies reviewed showed that eating walnuts not only significantly lowers cholesterol, but also reduces inflammation and helps relax and dilate blood vessels, thereby having the potential to cut the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack.More

Speedy Ways to Pull the Plug on Stress --Stress is necessary for achievement and part of everyday life, but too much is bad for your. Here are some tips for pulling the plug on stress when your usual stress busters are not available. More

Antioxidants May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk -- Research from Harvard medical school found that taking Vitamins A, C, and E can protects against colon cancer. More

Blueberries May Reduce Diabetes Risk -- According to a recent report in Longevity magazine, blueberries may be one of the new super foods to combat the risk of Diabetes. This is because this fruit is rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant compound, and in particular the antioxidants known as anthocyanins and flavanols. More

Physical-Independence-Predicts-Longevity -- The ability of a person to independently perform everyday tasks, such as gripping, walking, rising from a chair and balancing on one leg, may help. More

Citrus Compounds May Slash Cancer Risk -- A Japanese team has recently confirmed earlier studies which suggest that citrus fruits can reduce all types of cancer in men with significant reductions in the rates of prostrate and pancreatic cancer in particular. More

B12 and Ginseng Increase Energy -- Women over the age of 40 who see a drop in their energy levels are advised to take vitamin B 12 and ginseng, to exercise regularly and control their weight, especially belly fat.More

Aricept found to promote learning in healthy adults -- Neuro-scientists recently reported that Aricept, the cholinesterase inhibitor which slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, can increase improve the ability of healthy adults to learn new skills. More

Vitamin B found to protect against prostate cancer --Recent research suggests that the B complex of vitamins have a preventive effect on the development and progression of prostate cancer, according to a recent report by the prestigious Health Sciences Institute. More

News - September 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Two super-foods to counteract high blood pressure -- Eating enough potassium can help protect you against stroke and heart attack by counteracting the effects of sodium on blood pressure. This mineral may also prevents blood clots and arterioslerosis or hardening of the arteries, which also can lead to strokes. The safest way to absorb potassium is through your food and potatoes and grape juice have been identified recently as super-foods for hypertension because of their high potassium content. More

This superfood lowers bloodpressure -- A brand new UK study - published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension - says beetroot juice significantly lowers high blood pressure. It is expected to become the next "superfood". More

Red wine now thought to help prevent vision loss in AMD and Diabetes --The Resveratrol in red wine is now thought to prevent wet AMD, a serious illness which causes vision loss and might also help cut the risk of vision loss in diabetes. More

Smoking Ban Has Stupendous Results -- Initial research into the link between the ban on smoking enforced in most US cities and its impact on the nation's health and the economy has been more positive than either law-makers or health professionals originally hoped for. More

Vitamin B Deficiency Thought to Increase Risk of Depression in Aging Women-- The Sacramento (California) Area Latino Study on Aging, which examined the role that B vitamins play in nourishing the brain and preventing a decline in its function, concluded that lower levels of foliate were associated with symptoms of dementia and poor brain function and were linked to depression in women. More

Red meat linked with cardio-vascular disease -- Research on the link between the consumption of red meat and increased risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer concluded that substituting red meat with chicken, fish or nuts would cut heart disease and other conditions. More

News - August 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Foods that keep your colon healthy -- Eating spinach as a salad ingredient can help curb colon cancer, because of its magnesium-rich content. More

Life-style changes which can cut the risk of dementia-- Eliminating diabetes and depression are important factors to consider when trying to reduce the risk of dementia with aging. Increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables is also a useful strategy as is learning new skills. More

Reducing salt intake may be bad for you-- Recent trials seem to indicate that reducing salt intake might actually lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks and death, rather than prevent these problems according to a controversial new report from the Health Science Institute. More

Taking an Afternoon Nap May Reduce Your Blood Pressure-- Not only are afternoon naps one of the best ways to fight fatigue and recharge your batteries, but scientists have also discovered that a nap can help lower your blood pressure. More

New Pages on Hospital Delirium--A new report from the Health Sciences Institute gave me an idea for a new section of the website about elderly people and hospitalization, Both my parents and my ex who was recovering from stem cell treatment to replace a damaged liver suffered from this condition when they were hospitalized and it can be extremely scary for both the patient and his family. More

In the meantime I am sharing this article on hospital delirium.

Do Calcium Supplements Increase Risk of Heart Attack?-- Well-known specialist on women's health issues, Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, warns that research which seems to warn of a link between calcium supplements and heart attacks in women is basically flawed. She recommends taking calcium citrate (not carbonate) with other nutrients - not only vitamin D but also other minerals such as magnesium, because magnesium can offset any negative effects of calcium. More

Beer May be Good for your Bones -- Recent studies show that most commercial brands of beer are high in silicon which help develop and strengthen boned, thus protecting against osteoporosis. It also plays a role in keeping cartilage flexible, thus protecting joints. Besides beer, silicon is also found in foods, like bananas and brown rice. More

A Good Social Network Promotes Longevity -- Recent research suggests that at all levels of society good social connections promote longevity by up to 50% Previous studies have linked the quality and quantity of a person’s social relationships to mental, as well as, physical health. More

Exercise Alleviates Osteoarthritis -- Dutch researchers have found that people affected by knee and hip osteoarthritis who engage in an exercise program devised and/or supervised by a trained physical therapist may experience less pain and improved joint function. More

New Tooth Tissue Offering New Hope for the Aging -- A research team from the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Paris, France) has developed a gel that contains MSH, and have utilized it to prompt cells in teeth to start multiplying, forming new tooth tissue that gradually replaces decayed areas. More

News - July 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Breaking-News -Fish Oil May Prevent Breast Cancer -- A US study of over 35000 postmenopausal women found that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids can greatly reduce the risk of invasive ductal breast cancer. More

Cocoa Flavanols Help Improve Blood Vessel Function -- A study conducted in the US to investigate the role of flavanols in the prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) and other cardiovascular conditions has had positive results The study was led by Christian Heiss, from University of California/San Francisco. More

Vitamin E Shown to Prevent Alzheimer's -- A Swedish study has confirmed that Vitamin E, especially a combination of different forms of the Vitamin, can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. More

Anti-Aging Developments - Garlic and Onion Aid Mineral Absorption from Foods -- An Indian Study has recently concluded that garlic and onion could help boost mineral absorption, especially of iron, and could be added to food to improve the health of people from developing countries. More

Anti-Aging Developments - Tai Chi & Qigong Boost Physical & Psychological Health -- Two Chinese exercise practices, Tai Chi and Qigong, can improve cariopulmonary fitness, bone density and strengthen the immune system, according to a recent US study conducted by the Arizona State University. More

Antioxidant Vitamins Promote Healthy Arteries -- A study by Tel Aviv University (Israel) revealed that antioxidants make arteries more elastic, increase increased cardiovascular health and improve blood sugar and cholesterol readings. More

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Breaking News – Omega 3 fatty acids could prevent deafness--A recent study has found that omega 3 fatty-acids could play a major role in preventing hearing loss. More

Breaking News - Exercise may prevent falls in elderly men -- A study led by Kristen J. Mertz, from the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), concluded that low fitness levels and physical inactivity may increase risk for walking-related falls. More

News - June 2010

Breaking News - Anti-Cancer Potential of Peaches and Plums Revealed--- Lab tests have shown that the antioxidants and other compounds in peaches and plums have anti-cancer potential, killing even aggressive cancer cells but leaving healthy cells unharmed. More

B Vitamins Could Prevent Depression---Recent research#5results from Rush University Medical Center in Illinois, USA, have established a connection between vitamin B deficiencies and depression in elderly patients. More

Anti-Aging Developments -Metabolic Benefits of Exercise Revealed---New research shows the underlying biochemical changes which takes place when we exercise and lead to numerous and wide-ranging beneficial effects. More

Happiness May Increase with Age --- Recent research shows that the effects of stress decline as we age, worry and anger reache a peak at middle age and then decline. More

Anti-Aging Developments - Eating Chili Helps Fight the Flab or at least the Fat--- Recent studies show the underlying molecular mechanism by which the chili pepper compound has been observed to decrease calorie intake, shrink fat tissue, and lower fat levels in the blood. More

Tidy Homes House Happy, Healthy People ---Recent studies show that people benefit from the activity involved in keeping their homes tidy. More

Nature Makes You Happy--- Studies have shown what most of us know already – spending time surrounded by nature increases feelings of happiness and health. Study subjects consistently felt more energetic when they spent time in natural settings or imagined themselves in such situations. More

Breaking News - Caffeine may Keep Alzheimer's at Bay--- A review of epidemiological studies and research in animal models has led scientists to conclude that caffeine could be used to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease. More

Breaking News - Oral Hygiene Linked to Heart Disease--- Building on previous research which linked gum disease with heart problems, researchers from University College London (United Kingdom), studied whether tooth brushing behavior is associated with cardiovascular disease and markers of inflammation. More

Breaking News - Alzheimer's Eye Test --An Alzheimer's eye test will soon be available to detect this debilitating disease. Researchers in the United Kingdom are developing a new eye-test that can detect Alzheimer’s long before symptoms start showing. It should be available in the high street in approximately three years through a simple eye-test. More

Anti-aging TIP OF THE MONTH - Stand Tall for Perfect Posture--- Ten tips for perfect posture. More

Breaking News - Anti-aging developments - Cheaper Alternative to Botox Developed --Anti-aging research shows tomatoes protection against sun damage which gives us a cheap, tasty and effective treatment to protect the skin from aging prematurely. More

Breaking News - Anti-aging developments - New technique provides cheaper alternative to botox ---A medication for facial spasms, Dysport, has recently also been approved for aesthetic as well as therapeutic use. More

Anti-aging developments - New Treatment targets pigmentation as well as improving skin tone ---A new anti-aging developments uses light to treat aging and sun-damaged skin. It is a light based technology to treat aging and sun-damaged skin. More

Anti-aging developments provide another botox alternative---Another injectable, non-surgical treatment for deep wrinkles and expression lines is a poly-L-lactic acid called Sculptra. It was seen to produce natural looking results lasting up to two years in a random study of patients in whom it had positive results in correcting the first signs of facial aging. More

News - May 2010

Anti-aging Breakthroughs - Breaking news from

Breaking News - Olive Oil Dampens Genes Responsible for Inflammation --Spanish researchers have made a dramatic break-though in understanding why the DASH diet or Mediterranean diet protects people from a range of illnesses including heart attacks and strokes. More

Breaking News - Dancing could be the key to better balance as one ages--- New studies confirm that dancing is a great anti-aging tool. A loss of balance and diminished gait are major fall risk factors in older persons; some previous studies suggest that physical activity based on dance may improve balance and gait, As many dancers will tell you, besides helping balance, the activity increases coordination, builds strength and improves morale as well as being a whole load of fun. More

Breaking News - Anti-aging development from the USA could be a breakthrough in the fight against Prostate Cancer --- A new blood test developed at Johns Hopkins University (Maryland, USA), known as the Prostate Health Index (PHI) is making it easier to detect patients who might ultimately need treatment for prostate cancer. More

Breaking News - Stem Cell Treatment Offers New Hope --New developments in the use of Stem cells in anti-aging treatments offer hope for people with a range of complaints including osteoarthritis, heart disease and tooth decay. More

Breaking News - Shingles Vaccine--In the United States, the Zostavax vaccine against shingles has been tested in approximately 20,000 people over 60 and licensed as safe by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Both the CDC and the FDA are monitoring the vaccine’s safety. More

Anti-aging developments - Swine Flu Update --In the US there have been 241 deaths known to have been caused by the Swine flu virus between April 2009 and February 2010. The Center for Disease Contro (CDC) analyzes the situation on a weekly basis and you can read their latest update on the website. More

The Sheatree could offer new hope for OA Sufferers ---Anti-aging development from Australia could be a breakthrough in the fight against osteoarthritis -- SheaFLex 70, an extract of Vitellaria paradoxa could bring much needed relief to osteoarthritis sufferers. The product has shown anti-inflammatory properties and limits the breakdown of cartilage, according to a study undertaken by the Australian Centre for Complementary Medicine. I identified a reasonably priced source for this product (and I'm trying it myself). You can view this and other products I recommend by clicking on the box below:

Archive From December 2009 - Present

Author of this article, Mary Treacy, Contributing Editor Mary Treacy is the founder and contributing editor of She has over thirty years of experience working with non-profit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mainly business associations, and is an experienced writer in many sectors including co-operatives, agriculture, commmerce, housing, insurance, banking and health. You can find her on Google + and Twitter.

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