Anti-Aging Developments

Anti-Aging Developments - August 2011 > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - August 2011

Arthritic Sufferers Need to Get More Active

Anti-aging developments - August 2011 -- A report in the New York Times describes how over 1,000 people suffering from arthritis were monitored for activity to check the actual level of activity against the reported activity by sufferers. The study finds that actual levels of activity were, more often than not, below reported and recommended activity levels and that many arthritis suffers are “couch potatos”Exercise is specifically recommended for osteoarthritis patients on the basis exercise can reduce pain, ease joint stiffness, increase strength and improve mobility.

“Physical activity is a positive intervention for people with joint disease. We certainly applaud the 10 percent of people who met the target, but we also recognize that many adults with arthritis are not meeting the target, and for that group the advice is to be as physically active as possible, even if they accomplish less than the recommended level.”
(Dorothy Dunlope, Associate Professor of Medicine as quoted in The New York Times)
(Source: New York Times 12 August 2011)

For More about Osteoaethritis, follow this link

Alzheimers Numbers Expected to Rise

Anti-aging developments - August 2011 -- The New York Times are also expressing concern about the expected rise in cases of Alzheimer’s Disease. The article may not say it explicitly but as we are living longer more cases of Alzheimer’s are expected. As far as Age Well is aware no research has yet prescribed an effective treatment nor a life style of how to avoid Alzheimer’s Disease. What we need is more research.

Trending globally are two issues, training for those giving care to people with Alzheimer’s Disease and protecting the financial resources of people with Alzheimer’s Disease. People with Alzheimer’s Disease can be financially exploited. One way of stopping financial exploitation is to have a power of attorney arrangement with safeguards before any problems arise. Like “living wills” it takes careful forward planning.
(Source: New York Times 12 August 2011)

To read more about Alzheimers and Dementia, follow this link

Smoking Increases Heart Attacks in Women

Anti-aging developments - August 2011 -- A study in The Lancet suggests there is evidence that women who smoke cigarettes are increasing their chance of heart disease by about 25%. For more information about preventing heart attacks visit the link below.
(Source: The Lancet, August, 2011)

Learn What You Can Do To Prevent Heart Attacks

Depression Increases Stroke Risk

Anti-aging developments - August 2011 -- A report in the USA indicates that people with depression may be more susceptible to strokes. Closer examination of the study suggests that depression is not a factor in strokes but people with depression may neglect their health status. So the real message seems to be that we should eat and live in a healthy lifestyle and we will avoid strokes or diminish the risk.
(Source: NHS Choices 15 August 2011)

To learn more about Depression, see here

Build Muscle to Defuse the Diabetes time-bomb

Anti-aging developments - August 2011 -- Undiagnosed diabetes might be a ticking time bomb for future generations, according to numerous reports on TV and in the written media recently.

Medical professionals and government health officials worldwide have been trying to raise awareness about this illness that they fear may reach epidemic proportions in coming years. Many people are suffering from the disease unknowingly, according to reports.

A recent study reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that increased muscle mass resulted in increased protection against weight gain and diabetes. Between 1988 and 1994, the study followed over 13,000 subjects through the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). It concluded that stronger muscles increased a subject’s insulin resistance and that average and above average muscle mass is associated with improved glucose regulation.

When cells become resistant to insulin there is an increased risk of weight gain and diabetes.

Weight Resistance Training
Besides eating a healthy diet, doctors recommend weight resistance training to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Besides protecting you from weight loss and diabetes, building muscle mass can prevent sarcopenia.

Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance. This increases strength, tone, mass, and endurance. You can do this using your own body weight, dumbbells, exercise bands and weight machines. In fact any object that causes the muscles to contract – even bottles of water or packets of frozen vegetables. According to the American Council on Exercise, water aerobics particularly using hand-held weights or dumbbells are particularly helpful.

As mentioned above, many people with diabetes remain undiagnosed. If you suffer from two or more of these symptoms -strong thirst, frequent urination or bedwetting in children, excessive appetite or sudden weight loss-you should ask your doctor to check you out to make sure you are not suffering from diabetes.
(Source: BBC TV, Sky TV, Al Jazeera News, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, American Council on Exercise, May - August 2011) > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - August 2011

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