Anti-aging Developments
May 2012 > Anti-aging Discoveries > Anti-aging Developments - May 2012
National Osteoporosis Prevention Month (USA)
According to a report in the Independent, Minnesota's daily newspaper, May is National Osteoporosis Prevention Month in the USA.
The report gives some tips and advice to help readers with preventing the disease which it says affects an estimated 10 million Americans.It says that osteoporosis can be prevented through exercise and eating enough dairy products such as low-fat and non-fat milk, yogurt and cheese and supplementing if necessary with added calcium, Vitamin D. The report also suggests eating fatty fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel and also shitake mushrooms and eggs.According to the report studies have linked high intakes of fruits and vegetables with improved bone health. The report also advises readers to get enough magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K. Read our guide to vitamins and minerals to learn how to get enough of these nutrients.
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