HRT for osteoporosis - what are your thoughts????

by Helga

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis when I was 53, although I probably already had it many years previously. I'm 62 now and I feel fit and healthy despite numerous other health problems - qute a parodox really !

My doctor put me on HRT I'm happy to say I have never had any side effects and my bone density is increasing on follow up DEXA scan.

I do weight bearing exercise which helps increase bone density: weight lifting twice a week, and walking a few miles every day. And I do a few gentle exercises with a Swiss Ball. I also take a high dose of vitamin D every day. I get bad side effects from calcium supplements so I'm unable to take them, so I try and make sure my diet is high in calcium and gives an alkaline load which helps stop loss of bone density too ! So you see why I feel fitter than ever and that's despite also getting diagnoses of diabetes which is also treatable with diet and high blood pressure.

But i worry about taking HRT for so many years. What are other people's feelings about this? I'd really like to learn fro other's experience in this regard?

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Oct 25, 2011
Try These Alternatives
by: Joan

There are a number of supplements and alternative therapies that can help women who are going through menopause and offer protection from oestrogen deficiency. These can relieve some of the more unpleasant symptoms. Nutritional therapies, vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals and amino acids can all help to some degree.

There are special formulas for bones that can help prevent or treat osteoporosis containing calcium and vitamin D as well as other minerals. A good multivitamin supplement can also help to maintain healthy levels of nutrients and ensure optimal health. Vitamin B6 is good for women suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome and those who are already going through the menopause. Evening primrose oil supplements provide essential fatty acids which are also helpful.

Jan 22, 2011
I would go with the HRT
by: Deidre

I had premature menopause and was prescribed HRT. I read somewhere that you shouldn’ take it more than ten years and was concerned about cancer so I asked my doctor if it would be ok to go off it.

How I wish I hadn’t. I had night sweats, hot flashes, dry skin, sore eyes,irritability and eventually depression.

I couldn’t work, and haven't been able to get a new job since recovering. My intimate life with my husband was the first victim, I had no desire and sex was painful, because of dryness. Heck, my whole body was dry, skin, mucous - dreadful.

I became unbearable to live with, almost lost my marriage.

I think the benefits of HRT far outweigh the slight risks of cancer.

Jan 14, 2011
HRT and Breast Cancer Risks
by: Anonymous

I wonder if it is the HRT that is helping or the exercise and calcium, or the combination of the three. I have osteoporosis but i also had breast cancer way back when i was in my 30s so HRT is not really advisable. Anyone had breast cancer and decided to go with the HRT anyway? Not sure though if my doctor would agree to this.

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