HRT for osteoporosis - what are your thoughts????
by Helga
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis when I was 53, although I probably already had it many years previously. I'm 62 now and I feel fit and healthy despite numerous other health problems - qute a parodox really !
My doctor put me on HRT I'm happy to say I have never had any side effects and my bone density is increasing on follow up DEXA scan.
I do weight bearing exercise which helps increase bone density: weight lifting twice a week, and walking a few miles every day. And I do a few gentle exercises with a Swiss Ball. I also take a high dose of vitamin D every day. I get bad side effects from calcium supplements so I'm unable to take them, so I try and make sure my diet is high in calcium and gives an alkaline load which helps stop loss of bone density too ! So you see why I feel fitter than ever and that's despite also getting diagnoses of diabetes which is also treatable with diet and high blood pressure.
But i worry about taking HRT for so many years. What are other people's feelings about this? I'd really like to learn fro other's experience in this regard?