I had surgery and my life quality is worse than before

I wish I had known about this before, My doctor never told me this could happen. I had surgery for stress incontinence over a year ago but the surgeon put the sling too tight and I couldn't urinate at all after the surgery I had to be catherized for 6 weeks. They said said I had to heal from the first surgery before he could go in and cut the strap.

A second surgery 6 more weeks later to put another strap. This one worked for the Stress incontinence but I now have de novo urge urinary incontinence. Its so frustrating for me, I was told this would probably correct itself and that my body needed 12 weeks to heal from the surgeries.

Its now been 9 months or more since the second surgery and I have urge incontinence worse than ever. Today I wet myself on the way to work, not just a little leakage but I was totally soaked through and had to turn around and go home. Is there really anything else they can do to fix this? I am only 50. I don't want to be in diapers for the rest of my life

I'm afraid any further surgery will just make the situation worse and I am embarrassed to talk about my problems - friends just avoid me if i do.

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Oct 23, 2014
Many thanks for your contribution.
by: Site Editor

Thank you for your contribution Mary. This type of information is very useful for other readers. I am sorry if it took some time to be confirmed and put on line but the site has not been monitored regularly for the past few months due to changing circumstances.

Sep 14, 2014
Urinary incontinence
by: Anonymous

I also had surgery for stress incontinence and pelvic floor repair including hysterectomy 18 years ago. I thought my leaking would be cured but it became steadily worse. I've tried all sorts of exercises, pessaries, pelvic floor strengthening contraptions and even worn tampons (which hurt to remove) but all to no avail. I have resorted to the fact that I HAVE to wear inco pads and found the best ones for me to confidently trust for the longest period without being too bulky that I cannot wear jeans. I wear the Tesco's own Normal size at the moment as they are most absorbent and last on aveerage 2 hours.

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