Meals that Increase Energy and Help You Lose Weight

by Dave
(USA, New York, Manhattan)

In this article I am going to go over the Top 10 Healthy Meals that Increase Energy as knowing them is a prerequisite for getting through the day without feeling tired and also for losing weight by exercising. Of course, if you stick to this list of top 10 healthy meals that increase energy you can also be sure that you aren't eating anything that you shouldn't.

1. Fruits

There is no arguing that fruits boost our energy levels in a natural and safe way. This is mostly due to their high content of fructose. Fresh citrus juice is also recommended for the high concentration of Vitamin C.

2. Seeds

Whenever you want to get a quick dose of proteins and minerals, seeds are your best bet. They also contain iron and make for the perfect snack that could even replace protein energy bars.

3. Nuts

Just like seeds, nuts also contain a lot of minerals and vitamins ( A, E, B etc. ). Magnesium, calcium and phosphorus are also on the menu.

4. Honey

A lot of people don't know this but honey is actually an excellent source of energy and the best thing about it is that it's 100% natural. Just don't get too much if you plan on losing weight.

5. Cereals

Cereals are great for losing weight and having a high energy level because they are digested slower than other foods. This means that your body will assimilate slower and will also get a steadier source of energy.

6. Eggs

No list would be complete without these. Just as nuts and seeds, eggs contain a high protein count which is vital for bodily functions and metabolism.

7. Vegetables

Spinach, Asparagus, Potatoes and Sprouts are al great energy boosters as they come with various vitamins and folic acid.

8. Fish

Fish, especially Salmon, was proved as a perfect way to improve your mood. It comes with vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Seaweed

Ok, maybe not the tastiest way to get energy but definitely one of the best out there that few people know about. It is known for increasing your thyroid activity also which makes for a better metabolism.

10. Dark Chocolate

Ok, this one is not for the people attempting to lose weight but it is definitely the tastiest entry on the list. ;)

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May 27, 2017
Helpful list of foods
by: Anonymous

That was helpful information which i think issues what is detailed in the eatwell section of this site. Thanks for sharing.

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