Oriental Mango Desert
by Sue
(New York)
2 mangos
1/2 pineapple, fresh
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 cup apricot nectar (or orange juice, if desired)
lettuce cups
2 or 3 fresh strawberries, per salad
Cut two mangos in 1/2-inch cubes in a medium sized bowl.
Add 1/2 fresh pineapple cut into small cubes.
Blend: 1/2 cup lemon juice with 1 cup apricot nectar or orange juice and pour juices over fruit.
Serve on individual lettuce cups, or in a bowl.
Garnish with two or three strawberries per salad bowl.
Fill with the above mango mixture and serve on a lettuce bed.
Any yellow melon, such as cantaloupe or Spanish melon, may be used if mangos are not available.
For a variation on this salad, peel 4 avocados, cut them in half, and remove the stones.
You may also alternate long slices of mango (or melon) with watermelon and grapefruit sections.