Some great stress busting techniques

by Jody

Exercise the blues away and relieve your stress to boot

Exercise the blues away and relieve your stress to boot

Here are some great ways to relieve stress that work for me every time

Exercise releases endorphins whidh are feel good chemicals. Go for a walk or a jog in the country or just around the block, spend a few hours at the gym, or do whatever helps you get moving even if it is shopping - shop till you drop.

Watch a comedy or a funny movie that makes you happy or visit a friend who makes you laugh. There is nothing like laughing - deep belly laughs work best. Laughte reduces stress levels and gets rid of the stress hormones from your body. This boosts your immune system.

Reawaken the child within you and play some games with your kids, grandkids, neighbours' kids or just childlike friends - go on they can't all be boring old farts.

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Jan 12, 2011
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