Spinal Problems

Back and Neck Injuries

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Serious Injury to the Spine

Obtaining a proper diagnosis of a back or neck injury or other back problems is critical and this usually requires an MRI or CT Scan because X-rays do not reveal nerve damage.

Typically, a spinal cord injury impairs movement and feeling below the point where the injury occurs while all functionality above the injury level remains largely intact Complete Spinal Cord Injury: With a complete spinal cord injury there is usually a complete loss of sensation and motor ability - all movement is lost below the injury.

Anterior cord syndrome: Damage to spinal cord which affects the ability to feel pain, temperature and touch, but often motor function is unaffected.

Central Cord Syndrome: Damage affects ability to receive signals from the brain, sometimes causing paralysis,impairment in the arms and hands and to some extent the legs. Might also include loss of bladder control due to sensory loss below the injury.

Brown-Sequard syndrome: Injury to the lateral half of the spinal cord characterized by anesthesia to pain and temperature, loss of propioception and motor paralysis below the injury.

Spinal contusions: The most common type of spinal cord injury is bruising caused by inflamation and bleeding around the injury.

Injuries to nerve cells: Loss of feeling and movement in the body corresponding to which nerve is involved.

Other Injuries and Conditions

Various problems can alter the structure of the spine and/or damage the vertebrae creating pain and difficulties with mobility.

The above diagram illustrated the problems which can affect the discs within the spinal column. The following list includes problems with the discs and other problems which might affect the back, particularly as a result of aging (wear and tear) but also as a result of injury:

  • Arachnoiditis
  • Bulging Discs
  • Cervical Disc Fracture
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Failed Back Syndrome
  • Herniated Discs
  • Lumbar Disc Fracture
  • Muscle Strains
  • Nerve Damage
  • Nerve Impingement
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
  • Ruptured Discs
  • Spinal Fractures
  • Spondylosis (Spinal Arthritis)
  • Subluxation Sprains

(Source: http://www.disabled-world.com, Atlanta Workers'Compensation Law)

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