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Sugar Effects
How Sugar Can Make You Ill
20 Negative Impact of Sugar
Mary Poppins may think a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, but if you have too much you might need a whole lot more medicine.
In a paper published in Nature on March 1, 2012, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) scientists blame the increase in sugar consumption for a range of chronic health conditions, like obesity and diabetes, which are reaching epidemic proportions worldwide. They believe it is as addictive as alcohol and tobacco and causes as many health problems, so that it too should be highly regulated and taxed to discourage over indulgence. The food and beverage industries are up in arms about this and it is a highly controversial subject. While regulation might not be the answer, it is important that education campaigns continue, perhaps starting with as young as nursery school age, to convince people to cut down and that parents and consumers are warned of the dangers of eating too much sugar. Here are twenty plus reasons why this is necessary:-
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