What is H1N1

The H1NI Swineflue Virus

  • H1N1 flu is a contagious new influenza virus. Illness with the new H1N1 flu virus has ranged from mild to severe.

  • The symptoms of H1N1 flu include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, and possibly vomiting or diarrhea.

  • H1N1 flu is spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by infected persons. Get vaccinated to protect yourself from the H1N1 flu.

  • If you are infected with H1N1 flu, you should avoid close contact with others, especially those who might easily get the flu
Source: This information comes directly from the following site: FLU.GOV Please Visit this Site for Further Information

What is the H1N1 Flue Virus?

  • Illness with the new H1N1 flu virus has ranged from mild to severe. While the vast majority of people who have contracted H1N1 flu have recovered without needing medical treatment, hospitalizations and deaths have occurred.

  • About 70 percent of people who have been hospitalized with H1N1 flu have had one or more medical conditions that placed them in the “high risk” category for serious seasonal flu-related complications. These include pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease.

  • Unlike the seasonal flu virus, adults older than 64 do not yet appear to be at increased risk of H1N1 flu-related complications. CDC laboratory studies have shown that about one-third of adults older than 60 may have antibodies against this virus. It is unknown how much protection may be afforded against H1N1 flu by an existing antibody.

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